Thursday, June 7, 2012

Jane By Design: 1x11 The Replacement

So, Jane by Design is back for the summer with its eleventh episode. And I am still not getting it. How can she work as an assistant at this fashion company and go to school at the same time? I know she has this internship thing that allows her to miss some school, but then again, isn't it like a full time job she is supposed to do? Too confusing for me, can anyone explain?
Anyway, I always liked Jeremy (and still do), but honestly, if you tell me there is anyone out there who doesn't want Billy and Jane to figure out their real feelings, I would most certainly call them heartless. I loved that look on Billy's face after he told Jane that she is (just) his best friend, saying just the opposite thing.

Best quote:
Jane: Oh, that was a joke. Funny.
Eli: You didn't laugh.
Jane: Well, it wasn't laugh-out-loud funny.

 Best outfit:

The Replacement

Jane herself is a little annoying, but generally, I am very happy JBD is back (with all its cute, CUTE guys)

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