Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Gossip Girl: 5x21 Despicable B

Family is obviously the main topic of the last and the obcoming few episodes.

Chuck's problems are kind of confusing, Elisabeth is saying "I'm your mother", then she says "sorry, I'm not your mother", and then comes Diana "I am your mother" (with this accent, making it sound rather ridiculous), but here we go, Elisabeth: "Look at the cute pregnant me, I'm his mother." And now? Chuck is questioning if his father even was his father. Nice choice: The man, who made your childhood all about that you are not good enough, or someone, who is always sabotaging and wanted to sleep with your girlfriend, causing a major fight between the two of you?

I am glad Serena is finally treating her dad the way she should. Honestly, do you guys remember how obsessed she was looking for him, ruining relationships because of that? Oh, and suddenly he is back, and everyone loves eachother? No, she was supposed to be mad, she wasn't at first, but now she is and it is good.

Blair's issues about how cool she is? I have one tip for her: Get a job, girl!

Black Magic by Magic Wands
            the beginning of the episode

Body Knows Best by Anya Marina
everyone arrives at Lily's

Home by Foxes
the end

picture sources: http://favim.com/orig/201108/16/blair-waldorf-destiny-gossip-girl-quote-text-Favim.com-124095.jpg; http://tvrecappersanonymous.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/jack-bass.jpg;http://static.wetpaint.me/gossip/ROOT/photos/310/Bart-Bass.jpg

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Blair's Kanye West moment at the awards ceremony was a nice little icing on her low-brow cake. Would've loved if they would've had it been even slightly more obviously a Kanye-like but I think everyone got the idea...i laughed for sure while also cringing. A Kanye song at that moment would've just been the best but oh well...

    Still there was some great music in this episode, I love Sleigh Bells and it was awesome to hear "End of the Line" when Blair was trying to have FIT showcase her collection and then Dan asks her to be his date to the award ceremony. 
