Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Gossip Girl: The End of the Affair? REVIEW

It seems like I waited years for last night's new episode of Gossip Girl, watching that little promo video over and over again (30 seconds are really too short!). Finally watching "The End of the Affair?", it felt like the episode only took about 10 minutes. Not much actually happend, but there was this kind of suspense that left me breathless and dying to see more.
Ok, first a summary what the episode was all about for those who missed it (how could you?) and those who remember nothing but incredibly sweet Chuck in  the last scene.

It took place a little while after Chuck and Blair's car crash. Despite the fact Blair lost her baby, both are in good shape again, at least when it comes to their health. But instead of starting a new life together like they planned in 5x10, the royal wedding is still on and Blair is not talking to Chuck and avoiding her friends, especially Serena, as she and Louis got back to New York just in time for The Spectator's New Year's Eve party. Blair's strange behavior makes everyone curious, particulary Chuck, of course, who doesn't know what has changed. So he starts to investigate what she is doing and specially, with whom, because the prince assumes his fiancée is having an affair. He finds out that Blair is meeting Dan frequently. Dan is the only one Blair told about the reason she went back to Louis. It is because she prayed to God, when Chuck was still not awake after the accident, and she begged for Chuck's recovery, promising to abide by her promise to marry Louis in exchange. Chuck did actually woke up directly after, and Blair kept her word. But she's not sure if it is the right thing to do, that is why Dan takes her to church to let her make up her mind. Blair still loves Chuck more than anything, but she is affraid that something is going to happen if she would break the promise she made to God. When she sees are cab almost running into Chuck while she considers going back to him, she finally decides to stay with Louis. In the meantime, Nate tries to talk Serena into using the information the former Gossip Girl readers now send to her for her blog and he gets texts from a first unknown person telling him to do some research about the accident. After finding out that the not properly working car that was the real reason for the crash was supposed to be his, the texting person unveils hisself (or is it probably a herself?) as Gossip Girl.
At the party at the Spectator's office, Blair tells Serena about her secret, and when Chuck and Louis accuse Dan to have an affair with Blair, Serena tells them she and Dan started seeing eachother again to protect Blair. At Midnight, Dan and Serena kiss to make everyone believe the lie.
Lily hired a private investigator to find Charlie, and when she and Rufus are at the place the P.I. told her to find her, they meet the real Charlie without knowing it.
Dan & Blair
I can really understand why Blair is beliving that her marrying Louis is God's will and the guilty conscience she would have if her going back to Chuck would be the raison something happens to Chuck. And she just lost her baby, probably is still a bit messed up because of that. It is pretty hard to have to make such life changing deciscions right after a horrible accident like this. (Ok, it's already New Year's Eve, so the crash is already about how long, maybe 2 month, ago.)

Dan caring about her and protecting her was sweet, but I'm still not a Dair fan. In fact, I think it is pretty obvious that Serena is pretty much into him again, and I would favor this relationship, although I reckon that Dan's feelings are not the same. I think he is really fallen for Blair, even though he knows that it's not going to happen.

Chuck- I didn't like him concocting with Louis. The prince doesn't know Blair like Chuck does, so it is kind of ok for him to suspect an affair, but honestly, how could Chuck ever believe in any of that? Sure, he is confused and everything, but he should definitly know better.
Watching Blair destroy his hopes was terribly heartbreaking. I have to admit, I almost cried. You could see in all of Chucks body and face and eyes, that he just didn't understand why he can't be with the woman he loves so much.

Chuck (with Louis in the background, but that is where he should be, shouldn't he?)
source: http://images.buddytv.com/articles/gg-jan17quotes.JPG
For me, this episode was basically about Chuck and Blair, the rest was just details. I can't wait for next week to see what is going to happen next, keeping in mind that on January 30th, there is supposed to be a Royal Wedding...

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